Maya Mohan.A , Dept of Panchakarma, Govt. Ayurveda
Avapeedaka snehapana is a type of snehapana which is
designed in specialised format. It comes under samana snehapana and is
indicated in mootravegarodhajanya vikaras, rakta arsas and adhonabhigatha vata vikaras. Classicaly it
is told to be administered in Uttama matra. But considering Dosha Purusha
Vyadhi bala it can be practiced in other matras also.
Classicaly avapeedaka snehapana can be administered
in two format. In the first one, prakbhaktha hraswamatra snehapana is given
first and after its digestion uttama matra snehapana is given.In the second
one, first the sneha which digests in 1 yama/2 yama/ 3 yama is given as
prakbhaktha and after its digestion the next dose which is capable of
digesting within remaining yama is
It is important for us to practice avapeedaka
snehapana as mentioned in classics by understanding all its principles with
respect to disease and diseased for effective results.
Ramya A, Dept of Panchakarma, Govt. Ayurveda College,
For a successful shodhana karma,a well defined
systematically and scientifically performed
shodhananga snehapana is inevitable.Certain factors need to be studied
critically with special reference to Shodhananga snehapana.
The fixing of dose becomes the most important part
of Shodhananga snehapana.The very fact that acharyas have fixed the the dose
with respect to time taken for digestion by the individual and not specified
any quantity represents the personalized approach of ayurveda.That it depends
upon the prakriti,agni, koshta etc of
the patient..It is well evident that, any specific maatra is not intended for a
specific action of Shodhana ,Shamana or brumhana. Acharya has given the full
freedom to analyse all the aspects w r t
the patient and his disease to decide upon the dose. However the time of
administration need to be considered which actually makes the difference. The
maximum period for the administration of Snehana therapy is told to be seven generally. This period again
vary according to the Koshţa of the patients. Arunadutta and sreedasapandita specified that the rule of 7 is not a must rather attainment of
samyak snighdha lakshana becomes most important. The process of snehapana was well monitored
physiologically for subjective symptoms. The administered Sneha undergoes
various digestive phases. These symptoms were
the markers which gave an idea of the process of sneha digestion after
its intake in a specially designed format. Samyak Snigda lakshanas are the
Symptoms that represent the biological changes at the physical and mental
levels during the process of snehapana. The full fledged manifestation of these
symptoms indicate the the optimum activity of snehana as expected with respect
to the intended shodana..These lakshanas form a guiding tool for the physician
to monitor,continue,and stop snehapana.But the fact remains important that
acharyas have specified samyak snigdha lakshana in general with no difference
between a healthy and a diseased.Are there disease specific samyak snigdha
lakshanas if yes how to assess and validate them in the present scenario.,How
can we clinically assess agni and koshta in the best way?,How to assess the exact
time for administration of shodananga snehapana in patient which is said to be
after previous meals digestion but before attainment of appetite?Many
questions still need well documented
clinically experienced answers..Only when shodananga snehapan is practiced in
such a format adhering to all principles as laid down by acaryas can we achieve
effective clinical results.