Sunday, 22 July 2012

Intimation for weekly seminar - 01/08/2012

Date and Time: 01/08/2012, Wednesday, 02:00 pm

Presentations from: Dept. of Prasutitantra and Streeroga, Govt. Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram

Moderator: Dr. M V Anil Kumar, HOD, Dept. of Kaumarabhritya

Abstracts for Weekly Seminar - 01/08/2012


Pradeepkumar P.P, Dept. of Prasutitantra and Streeroga, 
Govt. Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram

The abnormal uterine bleeding is one of the commonest conditions we come across in Ayurvedic clinical practice, even if there is always an  small area of uncertainty of understanding the modern disease in ayurvedic perspective, its possible to an extent if its understood  properly within the  basic principles of ayurveda, the work aims at understanding the normal uterine bleeding, & abnormal uterine bleeding in terms of tri dosas/dhatus  and gunas, it also emphasis the importance of history taking and use of investigation more precisely to arrive at a diagnosis, the management principles, and commonly practiced medicines in AUB, with respective to various conditions. The abnormal uterine bleeding is basically due to impaired Rakta pitta at the level of  garbhasya gata sira (endometrium) The tridosa play an important role in the pathogenesis, the immediate management is to arrest bleeding with , drugs having kashaya,madhura,tikta rasa, seeta veerya ,and stambhana karma. Later the management should be directed to reverse the  associated pathology.


Abha L Ravi, Dept. of Prasutitantra and Streeroga, 
Govt. Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram
Preconceptional care is the care given to woman before she gets pregnant. In Ayurvedic treatises our Acharyas had given utmost importance to preconceptional care right from the selection of couple itself. Preconceptional care comprises of treatment methods like proper sodhana therapy along with diet restriction, abstinence and religious rituals to ensure Beeja sudhi, Kshethra sudhi and Mano sudhi for getting a better child. Garbhadana samskara, a child begetting religious ceremony is the observation of the reformatory method for a worth full child in order to fulfil the parental obligation to continue the human race.

Modern obstetrics forwarded the preconceptional concepts as an extension of ante-natal care, to provide optimal health to mother and baby. Presently when the pregnant woman approaches the obstetricians it is too late in terms of preconceptional care as organogenesis would have been completed by that time. It makes obstetricians incapacitated to take steps to prevent any hereditary and genetic problems. The main objectives of preconceptional care are identification of high risk factors; improve basic health level status, stabilization of pre-existing chronic diseases etc. It includes medical screening, genetic counselling and basic health checkups.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012


Department of panchakarma, Govt. Ayurveda College, TVM.
Assessment of koshta:
Frequency per day-     less than one – 1, Once/ twice-2, More than 2-3
Consistency –      hard stool -1, Soft well formed-2, Loose/ watery and not well formed -3
Urgency---          No urgency at all, sits long time with discomfort – 1
                            Moderate urgency, can be controlled but no need to sit long-2
                            Marked urgency cannot be controlled -3
Your experience regarding intake of 200 ml milk/ 100g grapes/ 50 g jiggery/ 200 ml ikshu rasa/ 10 g avipathikara churnam
 No change in bowel habit -1, Normal well formed stool -2, Watery stool / not well formed -3
Whether changes in food habits will affect your bowel habits frequently
 No change in bowel habit -1, Occasionally-2, Frequently loose-3
1-5  kruura koshta, 6-10 madhyama koshta, 11-15 mrdu koshta
Assessment of agni
Effect on hunger, digestion, defaecation by occasional irregular food habits
a)      No alteration – Theekshnagni, b)      Mild alteration- vishamagni, c)      Gross alteration – mandaagni
Time taken for digestion       >6hrs-Mandaagni, 3-6hrs-Samaagni,  <3hrs-Teekshnagni
Association with symptoms like Klama.aadhmana,udgarabahulya etc during digestion
-always-mandaagni, -Sometime yes or no- Vishamaagni, -  No symptoms associated-Samaagni
Samyak Snigdha Lakshana Grading Scale
1.Vaatanulomyam-                  Comfortable evacuation of bowel and flatus -2
                                                 Evacuation of bowel and flatus with abdominal distension -1
                                                 Obstructed bowel and flatus -0
2.Deeptagni-                            Severe increase in apetite-3
                                                 Moderate increase in apetite-2
                                                 Slight increase in apetite , No change-0
3.Snigdhavarchas-                    Oily feaces through the day-2
                                                  Little oily nature of feaces-1
                                                 Dry hard stool-0
4.Asamhatavarchas-                   Loose stools-2
                                                  Changed consistency(softness) of stools-1
                                                   Hard consistent  stool  -0
5.Angamardavam-                      Softness of body parts-
                                Present-1          Absent-0
6. Snigdhangata-                        Complete wetting of tracing paper over skin-3
                                                   Patchy tracing paper over skin-2
                                                   Little wetting of tracing  paper over skin-1, Dry skin-0
7. Klamam
Feeling of tiredness throughout the day[daily routine activities affected-3
Feeling of tiredness but able to do activities with little strain-2
Lethargic feeling but activities not affected-1
No change in the physical status-0
8.Snehodwegam-        Sight or thought of ghritha causes aversion-3
                                    Smell of ghritha itself causes aversion-2
                                    During intake nausea-1
                                    No difficulty during intake of ghritha-0
9.Laghutvam-                          Visual analogue scale scoring[ 7-9]-3
                                                VAS Scoring[ 4-6]-2 , VAS Scoring[1-3]-1
0.Indriyanirmalata-               Freshness of sensorium(subjective)
VAS Score[7-9]-3, VAS Score[4-6]-2, VAS Score[1-3]-1
11.Adasthat Snehadarshanam
Oily secretion per rectum-
Present-1, Absent-0
Total score:
18 – 26 – Pravara snigdhata, 10 – 17 – Madhyama snighdhata, <10 – Aavara snigdhata.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Intimation for weekly seminar – Bodhika

Date and Time: 19/07/2012, Thursday, 02:00 pm

Presentations from: Dept. of Panchakarma, Govt. Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram

Moderator: Dr. V N Radhakrishnan, Professor, Dept. of Kayachikitsa

Abstracts for weekly seminar - 19/07/2012


Maya Mohan.A , Dept of Panchakarma, Govt. Ayurveda College,Trivandrum

Avapeedaka snehapana is a type of snehapana which is designed in specialised format. It comes under samana snehapana and is indicated in mootravegarodhajanya vikaras, rakta arsas  and adhonabhigatha vata vikaras. Classicaly it is told to be administered in Uttama matra. But considering Dosha Purusha Vyadhi bala it can be practiced in other matras also.

Classicaly avapeedaka snehapana can be administered in two format. In the first one, prakbhaktha hraswamatra snehapana is given first and after its digestion uttama matra snehapana is given.In the second one, first the sneha which digests in 1 yama/2 yama/ 3 yama is given as prakbhaktha and after its digestion the next dose which is capable of digesting  within remaining yama is given.

It is important for us to practice avapeedaka snehapana as mentioned in classics by understanding all its principles with respect to disease and diseased for effective results.


Ramya A,  Dept of Panchakarma, Govt. Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram

For a successful shodhana karma,a well defined systematically and scientifically performed  shodhananga snehapana is inevitable.Certain factors need to be studied critically with special reference to Shodhananga snehapana.

The fixing of dose becomes the most important part of Shodhananga snehapana.The very fact that acharyas have fixed the the dose with respect to time taken for digestion by the individual and not specified any quantity represents the personalized approach of ayurveda.That it depends upon the prakriti,agni, koshta  etc of the patient..It is well evident that, any specific maatra is not intended for a specific action of Shodhana ,Shamana or brumhana. Acharya has given the full freedom to analyse all the aspects w r t  the patient and his disease to decide upon the dose. However the time of administration need to be considered which actually makes the difference. The maximum period for the administration of Snehana therapy is  told to be seven generally. This period again vary according to the KoshÅ£a of the patients. Arunadutta  and sreedasapandita specified that the  rule of 7 is not a must rather attainment of samyak snighdha lakshana becomes most important.   The process of snehapana was well monitored physiologically for subjective symptoms. The administered Sneha undergoes various digestive phases. These symptoms were  the markers which gave an idea of the process of sneha digestion after its intake in a specially designed format. Samyak Snigda lakshanas are the Symptoms that represent the biological changes at the physical and mental levels during the process of snehapana. The full fledged manifestation of these symptoms indicate the the optimum activity of snehana as expected with respect to the intended shodana..These lakshanas form a guiding tool for the physician to monitor,continue,and stop snehapana.But the fact remains important that acharyas have specified samyak snigdha lakshana in general with no difference between a healthy and a diseased.Are there disease specific samyak snigdha lakshanas if yes how to assess and validate them in the present scenario.,How can we clinically assess agni and koshta in the best way?,How to assess the exact time for administration of shodananga snehapana in patient which is said to be after previous meals digestion but before attainment of appetite?Many questions  still need well documented clinically experienced answers..Only when shodananga snehapan is practiced in such a format adhering to all principles as laid down by acaryas can we achieve effective clinical results.

Friday, 6 July 2012

Common Seminar “Go Green”

In order to avoid wastage of paper and threat to biodiversity, the seminar materials shall be submitted to via email.  The Head of the Departments may depute one Faculty/PG student to obtain periodic updates from the blog