Friday, 30 May 2014


The common seminar presentation to be held on 04/06/14 has been postponed to 11/06/14.

Dr.V N Radhakrishnan
Co-ordinator (Bodhika 2014)

Wednesday, 28 May 2014


Next presentation will be on 04/06/14 from Department of Salakyatantra. Details will be uploaded soon..

Dr.V N Radhakrishnan
Bodhika 2014(Co-ordinator)

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Intimation for weekly common seminar 23/05/14


Department : Salyatantra, Govt. Ayurveda College , Thiruvananthapuram 

           Subject : Knee joint injury- Diagnosis and Management
            PresenterDr. C.S.Sivakumar , Associate Professor, Dept.of Salyatantra

                   Date and Time    :    23/05/2014,  02:00 pm 
                   Venue                   :   Anatomy Hall

                                                                                             Co-ordinator ,Bodhika-2014

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Intimation For Common Seminar - 16/05/2014



Subject      :  1. Shoulder Joint Dislocation 
                  2. A Case Presentation on Sathaponaka Bhagandara

Presenters :  1.  Dr. Jiji.G, Final year P.G Scholar 

                        2.  Dr. Jasir Ahammed N., Final year P.G Scholar

Date and Time   :   16/05/2014,  02:00 pm 
Venue                  :   Anatomy Hall
Moderator           :   Dr.V.K.Ajith Kumar, Professor & H.O.D, Dept. of Roga Nidana
Abstract of Paper I


                  Dr.Jiji.G, Final year P G Scholar, Dept of Salyatantra, GAVC, TVM

                               Shoulder joint dislocation is a condition in which the head of the humerus is displaced and losses contact with the glenoid cavity. Shoulder joint dislocation is the most common among all the joint dislocations. The prevalence is 23.9 persons per 1 lakh per year. Trauma and sports injuries are the most common cause for acute shoulder joint dislocation. It is much common in adults and rarely seen in children. Shoulder joint allows wide range of movements thus “stability is sacrificed for mobility”. Anterior dislocation constitutes 90% of the acute shoulder joint dislocation. Kocher’s method  is the most popular method of reduction. Shoulder joint dislocation is explained in the classics as Amsasandhimuktham, elaborating the effective management with the help of Musali etc.  In this presentation an attempt is made to describe the types of shoulder joint dislocation, current methods of reduction and the management practiced in our OPD.

Abstract of Paper II


    Dr.Jasir Ahammed.N, Final year P G Scholar, Dept of Salyatantra, GAVC, TVM

                                    Fistula in ano is an inflammatory track which has an external opening in the perianal skin and internal opening in the anal canal or rectum. The prevalence rate of Fistula in ano is 9.6 cases per 10,000 populations. The male to female ratio is 1.8:1. Persistent anal gland infection is the one of the main reason for developing fistula in ano. Persistent seropurulent discharge, swelling and throbbing pain in anal region are the main features of this disease. In modern science no definite medical therapy is available, surgical and parasurgical measures are the currently practiced treatment modalities but having a high recurrence rate. We are successfully managing fistula in ano using ksharasutra therapy and the recurrence rate is almost nil.
                                 So here I am presenting a case on Sataponaka bhagandaram(Multiple fistula) covering the relevant Ayurvedic and  modern aspects of the disease.                             
                                                                                Dr V N Radhakrishnan                                                                                                                      (Coordinator- Bodhika 2014) 

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Intimation for Common Seminar- 09/05/2014



Subject      :  1. Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media 
                 2. Diabetic Retinopathy

Presenters :  1.  Dr. Praveen.T.Jose, Final year P.G Scholar 

                     2. Dr. Krishnakumar.V., Final year P.G Scholar

Date and Time   :    09/05/2014,  02:00 pm 
Venue                  :   Anatomy Hall
Moderator           :   Dr. T. Rajan, Professor, Dept. of Salyatantra.

Abstract of Paper I

Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media

                Dr. Praveen.T.Jose , Final year P.G Scholar, Dept. of Salakyathantra, GAVC, TVM

        Chronic Suppurative  Otitis  Media (CSOM) is a disease affecting a part or whole of the middle ear cleft characterized by ear discharge and permanent perforation. It is a disease having prevalence of 46/1000 in rural areas and 16/1000 in urban areas. No age group is exempted from the disease but the children are more prone to the disease. Because of the CSOM, the children will be suffering from conductive hearing loss. As proper language acquisition is not obtained due to improper hearing, it will lead to the deterioration of the quality and productivity of younger age. Moreover CSOM is a disease, if improperly treated will lead to serious complications such as meningitis, labyrinthitis, facial nerve palsy, brain abscess etc. So a basic awareness of CSOM is a must. There are two types of CSOM –Tubotympanic and Attico-antral. Tubotympanic is a chronic infection confined to anteroinferior part of middle ear cleft whereas attico-antral type involve  posterosuperior part of middle ear cleft (Attic, antrum and posterior tympanum and mastoid). Aetiology, bacteriology, pathological changes, clinical features, signs, investigations and modern medical management of both types of CSOM are discussed in detail. Intratemporal and intracranial complications of CSOM are explained to highlight the importance of management of CSOM in the initial stage itself. Ayurvedic perspective of CSOM, i.e. Poothikarnam described in classics along with its nidana, samprapti, dosha, dooshya and shrotas are explained. Detailed management of poothikarna with appropriate medications are described in detail.

 Abstract of Paper II

Diabetic Retinopathy
Dr. KrishnakumarV, Final year P.G ScholarDept. of Salakyathantra, GAVC, TVM

                   Diabetic retinopathy refers to retinal changes seen in patients with diabetes mellitus. With increase in the life expectancy of diabetics, the incidence of diabetic retinopathy (DR) has increased. The total number of people with diabetes is projected to rise from 285 million in 2010 to 439 million in 2030. Diabetic retinopathy is responsible for 1.8 million of the 37 million cases of blindness throughout the world. In Western countries, it is the leading cause of blindness. The objectives of this presentation on Diabetic retinopathy includes recognizing it as a public health problem, to identify the risk factors, describe and distinguish between the different stages of the disease, understand the role of risk factor control and annual dilated eye exams in the prevention of vision loss. This paper also covers the Ayurvedic perspective of the disease and its management.


                                                                                    Dr V N Radhakrishnan                                                                                                                          (Coordinator- Bodhika 2014)