Sunday, 31 July 2016

Intimation for weekly common seminar- 03/08/2016




Subject      :     1. Viruddhahara and its Relevance
                  2. Introducing Vrikshayurveda to the Modern Era
Presenters :       1.  Dr. Adeesh Sundar. S.R, Final year P.G Scholar                                        
                             2.  Dr. Divyasri. M, Final year P.G Scholar

Date and Time   :   03/08/2016,  02:00 pm 
Venue                  :   College Auditorium
Moderator           :   Dr. V.N. Radhakrishnan
Abstract of Paper I
Dr. Adeesh Sundar S R, Final year PG, Department of Samhita Samskrita and Siddhanta
             Ayurveda is a science which gives ample importance to diet and dietetics. Food is one among the trayopasthambhas that support our body. Many inappropriate methods of food intake, use of fast foods, junk foods etc. are prevalent in the present society. Hence there is an increased incidence of lifestyle diseases. One of the most important fallacy among  food intake is Viruddha ahara. Ayurveda clearly defines that, certain diet and its combinations which interrupts the metabolism, affects the formation of dhathus and leads to different diseases are called as Viruddha Ahara or incompatible diet.
            The presentation deals with the various types of viruddha said in our classics, food incompatibility in today’s perspective, certain examples of viruddha ahara in day to day life and diseases due to viruddha ahara and  their treatment principles.
The main aim of this paper is to create a general awareness among people regarding incompatible food, so that a healthy life may be achieved by following a diet suitable to his constitution and environment.

Abstract of paper – 2
                    Dr. Divyasri M, Final year PG, Dept. of SamhitaSamskrita and Siddhanta

Vrikshayurveda is a healing art of India exclusively practiced by the ancient scholars of Ayurveda by adopting purely an organic approach in different sectors like agriculture, medicinal plant culture and horticulture. It is one of the specialized extension of knowledge of Ayurveda, specially meant for the conservation/ propagation/ cultivation/ plant care and development of plant based processes and products. Vrikshayurvedic books discuss indigenous taxonomy, bhuminirupana, beejotpathividhi, Ropanavidhana, poshanavidhi, drumaraksha, glossary of trees, chitreekarana etc. A vriksha is compared to a human, with its morphological structures. The trees are assigned Prakriti- Vata, Pitta and Kapha.  Rogas in vrikshas are classified either Nija or Agantu. The treatment of these diseases is based on the vitiation of doshas. The do’s and don’t’s while making gardens as well as planting trees in homesteads are also discussed. It includes organic manures, bio liquid manures, growth regulators and promoters that are effectively utilized for healthy germination, nourishment, rejuvenation of trees.Thus the knowledge of Vrikshayurveda is to be linked potentially and utilized to its full for future generation.This paper is to create an awareness in modern era for the conservation and promotion of biodiversity and to ensure safe and healthy food for the future.
                                                                         Dr V N Radhakrishnan                                                                                               (Coordinator- Bodhika 2016)

Monday, 18 July 2016

              Intimation for weekly common seminar- 20/07/2016




                          Subject      :  ROLE OF DIET AND YOGA IN PREDIABETES    

                                              Presenter :  Dr. Kiran.K.Prasad, Final Year PG

                           Date and Time   :   20/07/2016,  02:00 pm 
                          Venue                  :   College Auditorium
                          Moderator           :   Dr. V.N.Radhakrishnan.

Abstract of Paper I
Dr. Kiran.K.Prasad, Final Year PG, Department of Swasthavritta.

Diabetes is a heterogeneous group of disease characterized by impaired carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. Globally, the number of people living with diabetes has almost quadrupled since 1980 to 422 million adults and 3.7 million deaths are attributed to diabetes worldwide. 62 million Indians are diabetic and 80 million people are prediabetic. Kerala is the diabetes capital of India with a prevalence of diabetes as high as 20%, double the national average of 8%. Prediabetes is the precursor stage to diabetes mellitus in which blood glucose level is higher than normal but below diabetic threshold. The main principle adopted is primordial and primary level of prevention which mainly includes maintenance of normal body weight through adoption of healthy nutritional habit and physical activity. Integrated holistic approach for curbing prediabetes in initial stages using dietary principles like glycemic index, glycemic load, dietary fibres, DASH diet and yoga principles like Asanas, Pranayama and medication  is attempted in this paper .