Intimation for weekly common seminar- 16/08/2017
DEPARTMENT : Salakyatantra
Presenters : 1. Dr. DHANISHA B K , Final year P.G Scholar
2.Dr. ANJALI S, Final year P.G Scholar
Date and Time : 09/08/2017, 02:00 pm
Visual display units have become an integral part of our day to day life due to technological advancement. In the present scenario, near work exceeds the normal ability of visual apparatus, by the use of self-illuminating personal computers, mobile phones and the latest gadgets for accessing web world and quick computation. According to National Institute of Occupational Safety and health, CVS affects 90% of the people who spend 4 hours or more a day at computers for prolonged periods.
Computer Vision Syndrome, also referred to as Digital Eye Strain, describes a group of eye and vision-related problems that result from prolonged computer, tablet, ereader and cell phone use. Symptomatology include asthenopic symptoms like head ache, eye strain, ocular surface symptoms like watering, dry eye, burning sensation, grittiness and redness, visual symptoms like blurred vision, double vision, and extra ocular symptoms like neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain, carpel tunnel syndrome, memory loss, sleep disturbances etc. Common investigations required are schirmer tests, tear film break up time and visual acuity assessment.
Nidanas cause vatakopa in the body, which get localized in the netra and produce symptoms rooksha varthma , sisirasrutha , sushka akshi, pamsupoornabhanetratha, nimeshonmeshanam krichrath-Difficulty in opening eyes especially during waking up ,Aviladarsana, Mild pain and redness which can be co-related with krichronmeela or vata abishyandha. When there occurs association of pitta, it will result in condition called suskakshipaka. If proper intervention is not applied in this stage, disease progresses to pilla stage.
General line of management involve judicious counselling regarding the use of VDT, Vata samana measures internally and locally,Vata pitta hara treatment if associated with pitta. Medicine of choice is that of krichronmeelana, vatabishyandha and sushkakshipaka in the primary stages and if complicated, treatment of pilla roga is required. Snigdha and santharpana treatment prescribed by Acharya Vagbhata for eyes affected by electric spark, heat and bright light can be adopted. Strict adherence to pathya apathya is advised . If professionals who use VDT more than 4 hrs daily follow proper ergonomics mentioned in precautions to be taken while using computers, and adopt these regimen as dinacharya, they can protect their eyes from falling prey to CVS and those who are already affected can prevent further regression in eye health as well as development of complications.
Bacterial meningitis is the most common cause of acquired sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) in children. It accounts for approximately 60–90% of all acquired cases of postlingual (late onset) SNHL cases. Cochlea is the primary locus of meningogenic lesions, including damages to hair cells, supporting cells, stria vascularis and spiral ligament. It has been reported that otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) are abolished in children with SNHL following newly diagnosed bacterial meningitis, suggesting outer hair cell damage.
The primary objective of this paper is to discuss the multidimensional action of Ayurvedic management in SNHL as a sequelae of bacterial meningitis with the support of clinical trial conducted in department of Salakyatantra, Govt. Ayurveda college, Trivandrum. It was a diagnosed case of profound sensorineural deafness as a sequelae of Bacterial Meningitis. Hearing aid trail was made from National Institute of Speech and Hearing, but poor benefit from hearing aid, so they advised to undergo Cochlear implantation. After completing 3 courses of Ayurvedic IP management hearing aid trail was successful and he can discriminate speech.
The methodology of the studies will be included in the presentation. Observations showed that Ayurvedic protocol management was found to be effective in improving hearing and discriminating power. It was evaluated by audiogram. Further research work should be carried out in large sample size to substantiate its efficacy. Presentation also aims to highlight the importance of propagating this cost effective treatment among Ayurvedic community.
Dr C S Sivakumar,
Co-ordinator, Seminar Committee