Monday, 11 March 2019

Intimation for weekly common seminar- 13/03/2018




Presenters :       1Raghi.R.G ,Final MD Scholar 
                             2.  Vijaya Lekshmi R , Final MD Scholar

Date and Time   :   13/03/2019,  02:00 pm 
Venue                  :   College Auditorium

Abstract of Paper I


This is an era of nutrition transition. There is a continuous tug of war between food pyramid and food plate to find out which one is the most beneficial among them for healthy dietary habits. There are big lacunas in the scientific society regarding the concept of a healthy life style and food habits. There is an urgent need to find out an efficient plan for healthy dietary habit so as to ensure better health for this society. In the presentation an effort is made to have an in depth understanding regarding Ayurvedic food safety guidelines and the prevailing modern concept of food safety regulations. The study revealed that Ayurveda has a lot to provide to the modern society in terms of healthy dietary habits and thus contribute to build  a healthy future generation.

                                                           Abstract of Paper II


The goal of every health research is to extend the length of life and to improve its quality of life for the population.It includes basic translational and applied research.Although Ayurveda has time tested validation of its principles;there is high need for its standardization of its treatment and medicines for increasing its acceptance in the global scenario.This is also essential in cases of herbal drug research as there are lot of issues which affect the quality  of a treatment outcome right from the procurement of a raw drug to its final output in the market.This calls for stringent measures of standardization , which will not only make every research scientifically valid and repeatable but also will benefit the health quality of the society at large.In the present paper an effort has been made to describe about the issues surrounding herbal drugs these days,how to find solutions for the same and in this regard some of the major works done in the department of Dravyaguna vijnana adhering to the principles of standardization and its results have been discussed.

                                                                                      Bodhika 2019

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Intimation for weekly common seminar- 06/02/2019




Subject      :     1. AYURVEDIC MANAGEMENT OF IATROGENIC                        
                            COMPLICATIONS OF ACRODERMATITIS ENTEROPATHICA                                                                                                             - A CASE REPORT                   2. A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF DOOSHIVISHARI AGADA
Presenters :       1.  Dr. K SangeethaFinal year P.G Scholar                                        
                             2.  Dr. Akhila GFinal year P.G Scholar

Date and Time   :   06/02/2019,  02:00 pm 
Venue                  :   College Auditorium (Roof top)

Abstract of Paper I

1 K Sangeetha                                                              2C K Krishnan Nair

Acrodermatitis enteropathica (AE) is a rare disorder of zinc metabolism with an incidence of 1 in 500,000 births 1. It is mainly characterized by periorificial dermatitis, alopecia, and diarrhoea. It is caused by mutations in the gene that encodes a membrane protein that binds to zinc, resulting in zinc deficiency. Patient of AE requires a lifelong supplementation of zinc. If the treatment administered is not precise and specifically targeted, it can aggravate the condition in various ways including development of toxicity. We report a 20-year-old female patient, a known case of Acrodermatitis enteropathica, who took certain wellness products for the condition, instead of the usual zinc supplementation and resulted in erythematous and papulopustular lesions all over the face. The condition was diagnosed in Ayurvedic perspective as Mukhadooshika, taking into account the dosha involved and the symptoms presented. The treatment was planned on OP basis after proper clinical evaluation and a combination involving Nimbadi kashaya, Aragvadharishta, Abhayarishta and Kaishora guggulu was given for 1 week. External application of Eladi gana choorna in boiled and cooled water was also advised along with Dooshivishari gulika, as a visha swabhava was clearly presented. On the first review, changes in the consistency of the lesions were observed and the same medication was repeated for two more weeks, the only change being mixing of Eladi choorna in coconut milk for a more ropana action. On the next visit, a considerable reduction in the thickness and severity of the lesions was noticed and after continuing it for two more weeks, the skin had almost attained normalcy. Patient was advised to continue the medication for one more month to prevent recurrence.

1 M.D. Scholar, Department of Agadatantra, Government Ayurveda College, Trivandrum
2 Professor and HOD, Department of Agadatantra, Government Ayurveda College,Trivandrum

Abstract of paper – 2
A Critical Analysis of Dooshivishari  Agada
1Akhila.G                                                            2C.K.Krishnan Nair

 The concept of dooshivisha is of utmost importance in ayurvedic treatment and Dooshivishari agada is the most renowned yoga indicated in this context. Even though many research studies have been done for evaluating different aspects of this yoga, its possibilities are not much explored in general practice. This yoga is mentioned by Acharya Susruta, Vagbhata, Yogaratnakara , Bhavaprkasa and in Kriyakoumudi with few differences among the ingredients. All the above mentioned text books describes Dooshivishari Agada in the context of dooshivisha chikitsa,while Acharya Susruta included it in Pakwasayagata visha chikitsa also. Different Pharmaceutical forms like Choorna,kwata,gutika are indicated for Dooshivishari Agada, along with Madhu and dadhi as anupana in different conditions. As per Susruta samhita Nibandhasangraha teeka, the probable mode of action of the drug can be explained as samana and prasadana. On analyzing the ingredients wrt their chemical constituents, the significantly  higher level of piperine may be responsible for increasing the bioavailability of the yoga.This is a humble attempt to incorporate the properties of Dooshivishari Adaga in the current health scenario.

1M.D.Scholar,Department of Agadatantra,Government Ayurveda College,Trivandrum
2Professor and HOD, Department of Agadatantra,Government Ayurveda College, Trivandrum
                                                                         Dr V S Sivakumar                                                                                              (Coordinator- Bodhika )

Monday, 28 January 2019

Kind Attention all......
This is to intimate you that there will be common seminar on this week and the details as follows:

Department -  Samhita Sanskrita & Sidhanta, GAVC, TVPM


Presenters :  1. Dr. Anusree.S - 3rd MD SCHOLAR,

                     2. Dr Arathi Anil - 3rd MD SCHOLAR


Date and Time    :   30/01/2019,  02:00 pm 
Venue                  :   College Auditorium

Bodhika 2018-19


Anatomical View of Dosha Sthanas

The Tridoshas- Vata, Pitta and Kaphaare the basic components of sareeraon which the entire functions of body are dependent.Even though the doshas are pervading all over the body specific sthanas are assigned based on the predominance in a particular site. In general Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas are pervading the lower, middle and upper portions of the body respectively. Further for each of the doshas specific subdivisions are described. Depending upon the sthana and karma of each of the subdivisions anatomical sites can be assigned to each.The proper understanding of the ‘Dosha Sthanas’ described in our treatises in the light of modern anatomical knowledge helps in the interpretation of ‘Dosha Karmas’ in a precise and scientific manner because the karmas of doshas are very much dependent on the sthana. Moreover it provides more clarity in understanding the Samprapti of diseases as well as for logically applying the Cikitsa Kramas according to the doshas involved in the particular Sthana.
*Anusree.S, PG Scholar, Dept. of Samhita Samskrita & Siddhanta, Govt. Ayurveda College, TVPM.
(under the guidance of: Dr.Rani Sayed M.D (Ay), Professor& HOD, Dept. of Samhita Samskrita & Siddhanta, Govt. Ayurveda College, TVPM)

A glimpse of Ayurveda in astrology
                                                                                        *DrArathi Anil
                                                                                        **Dr Rani Sayed
*PG scholar, Dept of SamhithaSanskritaSiddhanta, Govt Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram
**PG scholar, Dept of SamhithaSanskritaSiddhanta, Govt Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram    
            The sciences of Ayurveda and astrology have similarities as both are laid down on the basis of universal laws.Our Ancient sages were aware about the limitations of the sensory perceptions; hence they developed the science of Astrology. Astrology and health have been associated for a very long time. Astrological principles were highly rated among the significant determinants of diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of any disease in the ancient era.
            Ayurveda explains the enormous influence of nature on human body. Astrology describes an individual in terms of planetarypositions while Ayurveda explains with respect to panchabhuthasand tridoshas, all integral parts of the universe.Prakriti and vikriti of a person can be predicted by analyzing the position of grahas at the birth time. Astrology is based on the concept that each planet is intrinsically related to a specific body tissue and that the various planetary movements and their positions in relation to time exert powerful influences on your mind, body and consciousness, directly affecting your physical and mental health.Navagrahas have direct influence in health and disease in human being.
AcharyaSusrutha has mentioned that knowledge about allied sciences and philosophies are inevitable to get complete and real knowledge of medicine. This paper aims to analyze some Ayurvedic concepts like prakriti, vikriti, ayu etc. in comparison to astrology.