Intimation for weekly common seminar- 31/08/2016
Subject : 1. Raynaud's disease - A case report
2. Scope of Ayurveda in Oncology
Presenters : 1. Hridya. A, Final year P.G Scholar
2. Gouri Shanker Prasad.T,Final year P.G Scholar
Date and Time : 31/08/2016, 02:00 pm
Venue : College Auditorium
Moderator : Dr. V.N. Radhakrishnan
Moderator : Dr. V.N. Radhakrishnan
Raynaud’s disease –A case report
Raynaud’s disease is a condition characterized by extreme vasoconstriction of peripheral vessels leading to tissue hypoxia. Chronic recurrent cases of Raynaud’s can result in atrophy of skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscle and in rare cases it can cause ulceration and ischaemic gangrene. According to the National institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and skin disease, Raynaud’s disease affects about 3% of the general population. When the cause of disease is idiopathic, it is referred to as primary Raynaud's and if the syndrome is secondary to another disease such as systemic sclerosis or other connective tissue disorders, it is referred to as secondary Raynaud's disease.
Here is a case report of 23yr old female patient, with known history of RA & Scleroderma , with BMI 14.95 presented with b/l finger pain associated with dry blackish thickened skin on tip of b/l index finger with 1month duration. Physical examination revealed hypo& hyper pigmented skin on neck & chest, peripheral cyanosis, cold extremities with feeble right radial pulse. On detail analysis, the samprapti of the condition was very well correlated with that of vatasonitha and treatment designed mainly based on this. She was managed effectively with oral medication along with raktamoksha.
Methodology - A single case report
Conclusion - The case report helps us to identify the vatasonitha spectrum of disorders and also showed that the condition can be treated successfully by Ayurvedic management under the heading of vatarakta which has helped to save patient’s finger from necrosis.
Key words – Raynaud’s disease, Systemic sclerosis, Vatasonitha, Raktamoksha
*(IIIrd Md Scholar, Dept of Kayachikitsa, Govt.Ayurveda College, Trivandrum)
*Gouri Shanker Prasad. T
Cancer is a major cause of morbidity and mortality all over the world.A malignant growth is characterized by continuing, purposeless, unwanted, uncontrolled and damaging growth of cells that differ structurally and functionally from the normal cells from which they developed. According to WHO, 14million new cancer cases are diagnosed in 2012 and 8million deaths occurred. In India, only 30% of the cancer patients survive 5years or longer after the diagnosis is made. Kerala, which is famous for ‘health model’ has a poor statistics in cancer as it became the state with highest number of cancer patients in the year 2014 in India. There are numerous reasons for this hike and many studies have shown that rapid urbanization is one of the major causes.
The etiological factors of cancer are still a vague area. Many theories have been put forward including genetic factors, change in life style, infections and environmental exposures. The challenge in the field of oncology is early diagnosis. The signs and symptoms which are often vague are not thoroughly analyzed or investigated. As far as Ayurveda physicians are concerned, the diagnostic work up and systematical evaluation is the first and foremost task in the practice of Oncology. The current treatment in modern medicine is surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. As more cancer patients are now being in search of qualified and knowledgeable alterative practitioners, they are unfortunately often misleaded to quacks.
For practical utility, the patients coming for Ayurvedic treatment in oncology can be divided into 5 categories and systematic interventions are discussed. Surgical and radiological cases are best referred to higher centers as early as possible with suitable advises. The treatment is always guided by classifying tumors into less aggressive to highly aggressive groups.
The scope and need of development of Ayurvedic oncology and its rational practice has been underscored so far and this attempt is planned to make a theoretical framework for the practical application.

* MD Scholar, Dept. of Kayachikitsa, Govt. Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram
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