DATE: 28/3/2022
TIME: 2:00-4:00 PM
Lumbar disc herniation is the most common diagnosis
among the degenerative abnormalities of spine (affecting 3 to 56 % of the
population), and is the principal cause of spinal surgery among the adult
population. Disc herniation occurs when the outer fibers of inter vertebral disc
called annulus fibrosus is injured, and soft material known as nucleus pulposus
ruptures out of its enclosed space. It is not a onetime phenomenon, rather it
is a sequence of changes in the disc, which ultimately leads to it’s prolapse.
Herniation of lumar disc can be central, paramedian or lateral and the symptoms
varies accordingly.It is often asoociated with neurological symptoms, altered
sensation and weakness in the muscles innervated by compressed nerve roots.
Serious neurological symptoms are an indication for urgent surgery to
decompress the nerve roots. Factors which will increase the risk of
disc herniation includes aging, lifestyle choices, poor posture etc which will
increase the intra discal pressure. Diagnosis focuses on presenting signs and
symptoms, physical examination and investigations like X – ray and MRI etc.
Clinical picture similar to lumbar disc prolapse with radiculopathy is seen
under the heading of Ghridhrasi in vathavyadhi prakarana.
This study is to
clinically prove the effect of selected Ayurvedic treatment protocol in the
management of lumbar disc prolapse with radiculopathy. Study design is
formulated as interventional pre and post study without control with a sample
size of 30. Patients of both gender attending Inpatient department of
shalyatantra, Govt. Ayurveda college Hospital, Trivandrum, in the age group of
30 to 60 years, satisfying the inclusion criteria is selected for the study.
Patients were subjected to bandhana and traction, Snehapana with guggulu
thikthakam gritham followed by abhyanga ushma sweda with sahacharadi thailam and
virechana with gandharva erandam, kayasekam with dhanwantharam thailam and finally vaitharana vasthi . Along with
above procedures, internal medicines administered are vaiswanarachurnam, Gandharva
hasthadi kashayam , yogaraja guggulu for first week and sahacharadi kashayam ,
sahachardi 21 avarthi thailam and yogaraja guggulu after peyadikrama &
during follow up period. The research participants assessed on the day of
admission, on the day of discharge and follow up was done 30 days after completing treatment. At present 28
participants registered and effect of therapy also assessed among them.