DATE: 14/3/2022
TIME: 2:00-4:00 PM
DATE: 14/3/2022
TIME: 2:00-4:00 PM
Vulvovaginal candidiasis is most prevalent vaginitis produced by a ubiquitous, air born, gram positive fungus. More than 90%of cases are caused by Candida albicans. When the vaginal ecosystem has disturbed Candida albicans can become an opportunistic pathogen. Hormonal factors, depressed cell mediated immunity, antibiotic use are three most important factors that alter the vaginal ecosystem. Cottage cheese like vaginal discharge,vulval itching, excoriation,dyspareunia and dysuria are the major symptoms .About 8% of women are suffering with recurrent vaginal candidiasis. Its complications are physical and mental stress, pelvic inflammatory disease and Infertility. Slaishmiki yoni vyapath appears with Pandu Pichila Yonisrava,Yoni kandu,alpa vedana and it can be correlated with symptoms of vulvovaginal candidiasis . Considering conventional ayurvedic treatments like yoni kshalanam,varthi etc Kaseesadi churna yoga mentioned in ashtanga hrudayam, uthara sthanam guhya roga prathishedha adhyaya under slaishmiki yoni vyapath chikitsa was modified into vaginal suppository form to make it more convenient & to get more acceptances in modern era. The yoga contains Kaseesa,Thriphala (Hareethaki, Vibheetaki and Amalaki), Kankshi, amrasthi, Jambu asthi and Dhathaki It is an interventional pre post study with sample size 26.The study is intended to evaluate the effect of Kaseesadi vaginal suppository in vulvovaginal candidiasis and to do the physico chemical parameters of the Kaseesadi vaginal suppository .The study was conducted at OPD of Prasuti Tanthra and Stree roga and Department of Rasasasthra &Bhaishajya kalpana, Government Ayurveda College,Thiruvananthapuram among the 20-50 years old married female participants with vaginal Candida albicans infection and having moderate or mild degree of infection on Wet Mount Test . A detailed history of subject will be taken by case proforma. Diagnosis confirmed by Wet Mount test. Self administration of Single Kaseesadi vaginal suppository at bed time for continues 7 days from 8th day of menstruation with an applicator. This will be repeated for 3 consecutive cycles. The Outcome variables will be checked with scores of Wet Mount test and score of signs and symptoms will be analysed before and after treatment. The results will be analysed through statistical analysis.
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