Friday, 31 January 2014

Welcome to ‘BODHIKA – 2014’

Welcome to ‘BODHIKA – 2014’

BODHIKA, the common seminar platform at Government Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram has been frequently intervening and influencing our thoughts on Ayurveda, for the past one year. Novel thoughts, high profile discussions and arguments, fruitful debates and scientific enquiries as well as expert opinions, have always tried to contribute to our better understanding of this science.

Due to unavoidable reasons the opening of the second session has been procrastinated many times.  Let us start with the same zest and zeal as before. As our Alma mater celebrates its quasquicentennial year, no other occasion can be as appropriate as this to embark on an intellectual journey. With immense pleasure, we announce the beginning of Bodhika- 2014, and welcome you all to the inaugural function followed by Paper presentation on 5thFebruary 2014.
         Dr V N Radhakrishnan,
                                                                                 Seminar committee



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