DATE: 28/02/2022
TIME: 2:00-4:00 PM
Overweight and Obesity
are defined as an abnormal fat accumulation that may impair health. Obesity is
expressed in terms of body mass index (BMI). WHO says a person with BMI of 30
or more is said to be obese and is a major risk factor for a number of chronic
In Ayurveda it can be considered as Sthoulya.
According to Charaka Acharya, Udwarthana is one among the treatment modalities
of sthoulya. Udwarthana is kaphamedo vilayana, stireekarana of angas and twak
prasadanam. Udwarthana is classified into two by acharya Susrutha with relation
to mode of application as Udgharshana and Utsadana. Utsadana gives lovely
apperance for the females, praharsha, soubagya,mrija and laghutwa. Thriphala is
Rasayana , it cure skin diseases and also have kaphamedohara property.
Objective of this study is to compare the efficacy of these two treatments in
Patients of both sexes aged 25-65, with obesity attending OPD and IPD of Govt. Ayurveda College Panchakarma Hospital, Poojappura are randomly selected as study population. They are divided into two groups namely group A and group B. Then group A is subjected to Udwarthana for 14 days and group B is subjected to Utsadana for 14 days. Both the groups were assessed before and after the treatment(ie.0th ,15th, 21st,28th day) with regards to changes in BMI, waist circumference, bodyweight, waist to hip ratio and skin fold thickness.Data will be analyzed according to statistical test.