NAME OF GUIDE: DR Anil Kumar.M.V M.D(Ay) M.D(Ay)
DATE: 14/02/2022
TIME: 2:00-4:00 PM
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is the most commonly diagnosed childhood
disorder, characterized by extreme and persistent restlessness, sustained and
prolonged motor activity, difficulties in sustaining attention and impulsivity.
The present study aims to
analyse combined effect of Tiktaka gritha
and Yashtichurna in children with
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and to find out the improvement in
Theory of Mind among them. The cases will be recorded using socio-demographic
and clinical data sheet. Children’s hyperactivity/inattention
measured using ADHDT-2 scale and Theory of Mind will be assessed using Theory
of Mind task battery. To evaluate the effect of Tiktaka gritha and Yashtimadhu
churna in ADHD and Theory of Mind, a sample of 12 children with age group
of 5–12 years fulfilling the inclusion criteria and diagnostic criteria will be
selected from Government Ayurveda hospital for women and children Poojapura
OPD. Trial drug will be given for sixty days. Before and after
treatment, data will be collected, scored and statistically analysed using appropriate statistical technique.
NAME OF GUIDE: DR Anil Kumar.M.V M.D(Ay) M.D(Ay)
DATE: 14/02/2022
TIME: 2:00-4:00 PM
Undernutrition is widely recognized as a
major health problem in the developing countries of the world. One third of the
child population worldwide is suffering with undernutrition. Undernutrition is
defined as being underweight for one’s age, too short for one’s age(stunting),
dangerously thin for one’s height(wasting), and deficient in vitamins and
minerals (micronutrient deficiency) as an outcome of insufficient food intake,
inadequate care and infectious diseases. Undernutrition is estimated to cause
3.1 million child deaths annually or 45% of all child deaths. Childhood
undernutrition accounts for 45% of under 5 mortality alone and remains a key
public health challenge in India. It is one of the leading causes of mortality
and morbidity in childhood.
A clinical study was designed to evaluate the effect of Chukkiliratyadi Churna on selected haematological parameters in undernourished children of age group 3 to 6 years. The study was conducted as an interventional assignment, pre and post test. The study were carried out in OPD of Kaumarabhritya, Govt. Ayurveda College Hospital for Women& Children, Thiruvananthapuram. Children of both sex of age 3-6 years who are undernourished (according to NCHS standards), satisfying the inclusion criteria were included in the study, anthropometric measurements and laboratory parameters were assessed. Then the trial drug Chukkiliratyadi churna were given in a dose of 2.5gm twice daily before food for a period of 3 months and follow up done after 1 month. Assessment of weight, height, chest circumference, mid upper arm circumference and BMI were done before treatment, after treatment and after follow up and Laboratory parameters (Serum Calcium and Vitamin D3) were assessed before and after treatment. Data will be collected and statistically analysed using Paired t-test and ANOVA
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