TIME: 2:00-4:00 PM
Hyperuricemia is defined as a serum urate concentration of
>6.8mg /dl for men and >5.7mg/dl for women. Worldwide, the prevalence of
hyperuricemia has increased substantially in recent decades. The most
well-known disease induced by hyperuricemia is gout. However, many studies have
reported that hyperuricemia also plays
important roles in cardiac-kidney vascular system disease and metabolic
syndrome. Hyperuricemia results from the increased production or impaired
excretion of metabolic product of purine metabolism, uric acid4. Since it is an
outcome of impaired uric acid metabolism, in Ayurveda this clinical entity can
be correlated to Kapha- Pitta pradhana mala sanchaya in the level of rasa-rakta
dhatu attributed by rasa –rakta dhatwagni mandhyam. The study drug Navakarshika
kwatham described in Chakradutta Vatarakta chikitsa shloka no23-25 is widely
used by Ayurvedic practitioners of kerala for treating hyperuricemia and its
complications and is a unique combination of ama pachana, agni deepana, rakta
prasadana, kapha-pittahara drugs. In this study clinical evaluation of
hypouricemic effect of Navakarshika kwatham will be done as interventional
study-pre and post Test without control group in 20 patients. The study setting
is OPD of Kayachikitsa, Government Ayurveda College
Hospital,Thiruvananthapuram. Patients in the age group of 30 -60 years, males
having serum uric acid levels above 6.8mg/dl and females having serum uric acid
levels above 5.7mg/dl will be included, drug Navakarshika kwatham administered
for 30 days and clinical assessment will done by estimation of serum uric acid
levels before and after the intervention.
TIME: 2:00-4:00 PM
Erectile dysfunction has been defined as
the disorder characterized by the persistent or recurrent inability to achieve
or to maintain an erection during sexual activity. The male sexual dysfunctions
include all sort of disturbance of coital performance and sexual congress in
first line treatment of erectile dysfunction consists of a trial of
Phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) Inhibitor drugs and are also associated with many
serious complications including myocardial infarction, arrhythmias, hypotension
etc. In order to find out a potential, cost effective and user-friendly
compound with minimal side effects and to assess the effect of “swayamgupthadi choorna ” in erectile dysfunction, this particular
study was under taken.
In Ayurveda it can be compared to the concept of klaibya or dwajabanga. Multiple doshas are involved in the pathology of this condition, particularly with vyaana,apana and sukra dusti and dhatu shitilatha. Study will be a before and after study without control group conducted in Govt. Ayurveda College, Trivandrum. After conducting the necessary investigations and obtaining the baseline data as per the semi structured questionnaire, swayamgupthadi choorna will be given to patients for one month. IIEF-5 questionnaire will be taken on 0th day of drug administration ,day after shodhana karma 1st ,7th ,14th ,21st and 30th day of drug administration and 7th day follow up. Sample size is 20 , At present 16 participants registered and effect of therapy also assessed among them.
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