TIME: 2:00-4:00 PM
Nowadays, globally, adolescent mental health is a prime
matter of concern and Stress has been dubbed ‘the health
epidemic of the 21st century by W H O . Stress is
a state of mental or emotional strain resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances. Stress in adolescent girls results from a
complex psychophysiological experience, causing mental health problems like
anxiety, depression, behavioral
disorders, and other somatic complaints, prevalent in 20-30% of the teenage population. The clinical study was
designed to evaluate the effect of Thikthaka
ghrita in Stress of adolescent
girls of the age group 10-16 years. The study was carried out in Out Patient Department of Kaumarabhritya, Govt. Ayurveda college hospital for women and
children, Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram.
The trial drug Thikthaka ghrita, described in Ashtanga Hridaya , Chikitsa stana, Kusta chikitsitham chapter, is having
drugs with thiktha rasa predominance, was given in adolescent
girls, in a dose of 5ml in 10-13 years of age and 7.5ml in 14-16 years of age, twice daily, the first dose in the early
morning and the second dose in the evening, one hour before food, with warm
water as anupana, for a period of 60
days. Non- randomized Pre and Post Interventional methods
were used as a study
design, in a population of 30
, screened and assessed with Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-42
(DASS-42). Data were collected
and statistically analyzed
using Fisher’s exact test, Chi-Square Test, Karl Pearson’s correlation, and Spearman’s
rank correlation. All parameters revealed statistical significance (p <0.01)
of intervention which indicated the effect of Thikthaka ghrita in the management of Stress among adolescent girls.
TIME: 2:00-4:00 PM
Iron deficiency is the most common single nutrient deficiency state on a worldwide basis. Globally, prevalence of anemia is estimated to be around 2 billion and among which 600 million people have iron deficiency anemia. Iron deficiency anemia develops when human body’s iron stores drop too low to support normal hemoglobin synthesis. Presence of anemia is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. In children, iron deficiency increases susceptibility to infections and act as a risk factor for poorer cognitive, motor, socio-emotional and neurophysiologic development in the short and long-term outcome. The prevalence of Iron deficiency anemia in India continues to range from 49.91 - 65.51%. Iron deficiency anemia prevalence among children under the age of 5 years, is 57.29% and among schoolers it is 53.6%. The formulation Kalyanaka Ghrita is described in Ashtangahridayam and one of the main indications of the yoga is Panduroga.
A clinical study was designed to evaluate the effect of Kalyanaka Ghrita in Iron Deficiency Anemia in children. The study was conducted as non-randomized interventional pre and post-test. The study was carried out in Out Patient Department of Kaumarabhritya, Govt. Ayurveda College Hospital for Women and Children, Thiruvananthapuram. Children of both sex of age 3-12 years of population 20 who are affected with Iron Deficiency Anemia was included in the study, screened and assessed using case proforma and laboratory parameters. After attaining proper digestive power, participants were given the trial drug Kalyanaka Ghrita in a dose of 2.5 ml for children of 3-6 years and 5 ml for 7-12 years, twice daily – one dose in the early morning in empty stomach and the second dose in the evening, one hour before food, followed by warm water. The trial drug was administered for a period of 45 days. The participants were assessed before and after treatment of 45 days using laboratory parameters (Hb, Ferritin) and by clinical parameters (assessed by criteria – American Society of Hematology). Data was collected and statistically analyzed using McNemar test and paired t test. Five criteria of American Society of Hematology, Hemoglobin and Serum Ferritin revealed statistical significance (p < 0.05) of intervention which indicated the significant effect of Kalyanaka Ghrita in Iron Deficiency Anemia
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