Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a common cyclic disorder of young and middle aged women characterized by physical, emotional and behavioural symptoms that consistently occur during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and resolve quickly at or within a few days of onset of menstruation. The objective of the study was to find out the effect of Sathavari gula in Premenstrual syndrome. The study design was interventional study- pre and post test with a sample size of 20. Females of age group 20-40 years with PMS attending the outpatient department fulfilling the American College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology criteria (ACOG) of PMS were selected for the study. Study tool included ACOG criteria, Case proforma, and symptom assessment by PMS scale. Sathavari gula was given in the dose of 12 g twice daily after food. Administration of drug was started from 7th day of menstrual cycle till the onset of next menstruation and was continued for three consecutive cycles. Participants were reassessed after the completion of 3 months. The outcome variables – Change in levels of Physiological, Psychological and Behavioural symptoms were assessed by PMS scale. Results were analysed statistically. The change in score before and after the treatment was analysed using the Wilcoxon sign rank test. The result showed that Sathavari gula was effective in reducing Physiological,Psychological and Behavioural symptoms of Premenstrual syndrome.
Pregnancy is one of the pertinent factors among the reproductive cycle of every woman. WHO has set about certain guidelines, in the care of pregnant ladies it’s called as Antenatal care. The main aim of this care is to provide an uneventful antenatal period and there by producing a healthy offspring. Yoga provides physical as well as mental wellbeing through a holistic approach. It comprises of Pranayama and Asanas which can bring positive effect on the health status of the pregnant woman as well as results in the good outcome of labor. In our classics garbhini is advised only to avoid daruna anuchitha vyayama and vishama katinasana. The normal viharas for maintenance of pregnancy can be followed. The study design selected was Parallel group experimental design. Participants aged between 18- 30 years registered in Government Ayurveda College Hospital for Women and Children were selected until attaining a sample size of 31 in each group based on their willingness. The data was collected through Case record forum. The participants in the interventional group have given yoga class in the institution during their regular antenatal visits and asked to practice it daily in their residence from 28 weeks of gestation to the first stage of labor.The Outcome of labour was assessed with the help of Partogram, Robson’s class and Apgar score. Antenatal period, induction, nature of delivery, Robson's class were compared between the groups using a Chi-Squared test. Continuous variables such as total duration of labor (minutes), first stage duration(minutes), second stage duration(minutes), third stage duration(minutes), the time required to attain strong contraction(minutes), Apgar at 1minute and Apgar at 5 minutes were compared between the groups using an independent t-test. A p-value less than 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. The interventional group which followed antenatal yoga shows marked reduction in duration of labor, reduced induction rate and less time interval to reach good contraction in active phase. In case of Apgar score at 5 minutes also study group shows much improvement. Hence, we can conclude that antenatal yoga has great role in outcome of labor.
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