the most essential requirement of all living beings is looked upon by Ayurveda
with great relevance in the causation as well as treatment of diseases.
Aharavidhividhanam are the do’s and don’ts regarding diet intake as food should
be taken warm, unctuous, in due measure etc. In the present era, least
importance is given to dietary rules which leads to impairment of digestive
functions. Proper maintenance of digestive process depends upon ahara and
method of its intake.
Migraine is a
complex, multifaceted disabling primary headache disorder often characterised
by neurological, autonomic and gastrointestinal symptoms. Clinical
manifestations of migraine are influenced by dietary behaviours and dietary
elements. There is significant associations between Irritable Bowel syndrome,
Celiac disease, GERD and Migraine. The study aims to find out the prevalence
of improper practice of
aharavidhividhanam in migraine patients.
180 cases diagnosed with migraine were selected from the OPD of Government
Ayurveda college Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram. Then the prevalence of improper
practice of dietetic methods was observed in migraine cases through consecutive
sampling by using a validated questionnaire. Thus the observed data was
statistically analysed for frequency and percentages and tested using
chi-square goodness of fit test. The improper practice of aharavidhividhanam
was found prevalent among migraine patients with higher prevalence to jeerne
asniyat (58.88%), snigdham asniyat (58.88%), matravat asniyat (58%) and ushnam
asniyat (54.44%).
(Vaidyasaṃgrahaṃ) written by Paṇṭāraṭṭu Nārāyaṇa Pịlḷa Āśān is a
valuable text book of Āyurvēda which belongs to regional literature of Kerala.
The book was published
in 1129 (1954) by Kollūr vīṭṭil Vēlāyudhakkuruppu (SNS Āyurvēda
cikitsālayam, Attingal) which was printed at Srīrāma vilāsam press &
book depot Kollam. Being a least
explored text, analysis and critical study of the content of the text will add
more information’s to the existing knowledge domains of Ayurveda both in
clinical and fundamental aspects.
this Cikitsakacintāmaṇi (Vaidyasaṃgrahaṃ) was read thoroughly and the data
were analysed and interpreted with the following domains like historical,
cultural and linguistic aspects, content wise analysis, comparison of the text
with Cikitsāmañjari, drug review, special formulations and procedures and
salient features of the text. Based on these data relevant conclusions were
The text is crafted in
maṇipravāḷaṃ style using Malayalam language and is enriched with different
types of grammatical styles like vṛtta, prāsa etc. The vṛtta used in the
text is Anuṣṭup and the prāsa used are ādyākṣara prāsa, dwitīyākṣara
prāsa and antyākṣara prāsa. A total of 443 drugs and 300 special
formulations and procedures were identified from the text.Critical analysis of the text revealed the fact
that Cikitsakacintāmaṇi (Vaidyasaṃgrahaṃ) has enormous salient features
like explanation of dūta, śakunās, tithi, nakṣatra, rare diseases, single drug remedies,
rare drug usage and description of karmavipākaṃ and daivika pratividhi for
diseases etc. These salient features make the text unique and thus the text can
be used as a hand book for easy references.
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