Tuesday 15 October 2024

 INTIMATION FOR BODHIKA SEMINAR                                   16/10/2024





NAME OF GUIDE: Dr S Sunil Kumar 
NAME OF CO-GUIDE: Dr Kusumam Joseph


TIME: 2:00-4:00 PM



Poothikarna is a disease affecting the ear characterised by thick, profuse and foul smelling discharge. Pain may or may not be associated. The disease is kapha pitha pradhana.Considering the signs and symptoms of Poothikarna, it resembles Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (CSOM) and Otitis Externa. CSOM is a long standing infection of a part or whole of the middle ear cleft characterized by discharge and permanent perforation of the tympanic membrane. Diffuse otitis Externa is the diffuse inflammation of meatal skin which may spread to involve the pinna and epidermal layer of tympanic membrane. Long time complication of CSOM include Conductive Hearing Loss and even spread of infection to neighbouring areas which may even become fatal. General treatment described is Nadivrana and Dushtavrana cikitsa. Other treatment include meticulous mopping of the ear, Dhoopana, Gandoosha, Nasya along with internal medications.Jalookavacharana and Vamana are also indicated in specific cases. Current modern management suggest dry mopping, antibiotics topically and internally, inspite of all these remedial measures the rate of recurrence is high. The usage of pichuvarti is expected to provide faster relief and reduction in recurrence rate of Poothikarna. A special formulation phanita made from Surasadi or Aragwadhadi gana are indicated for this purpose. Aragwadhadi gana drugs are kapha pithaghna, Kandughna, krimghna, twachya and dushtavrana sodhana in nature. Guggulu panchapala choorna drugs also have kaphahara and vrana hara properties. Pichuvarti medicated with Aragwadhadi gana phanita was inserted into the affected earcanal after ear mopping and retained for 30 minutes along with oral administration of Guggulupanchapala choorna with madhu. The procedure was repeated for 14 consecutive days. The study design was an interventional pre and post study without control group.This study was designed as a clinical trial with 22 participants diagnosed with Poothikarna as per inclusion and exclusion criteria. Assessment was done before treatment, after treatment and during followup. Follow up was done on 46 th day after treatment. The result was statistically analysed with Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. From the study it was concluded that Guggulupanchapala choorna and Aragwadhadi gana phanita is effective in reducing the signs and symptoms of Poothikarna. Keywords - Poothi karna, CSOM, Diffuse Otitis Externa, Pichuvarti, Guggulu panchapala choorna, Aragwadhadi gana phanita.

 *PG Scholar, Department of Shalakyatantra, Government Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram

 **Professor (HOD), Department of Shalakyatantra, Government Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram ***Professor, Department of Shalakyatantra, Government Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram.


Name of Guide : Dr. S Sunilkumar     

Name of Co-guide:  Dr. Bijumon O. C          

DATE : 16/10/2024

Time : 2 pm

Venue : college auditorium


Alopecia areata is a nonscarring autoimmune hair loss. While hair can be lost from any part of

the body, alopecia areata usually affects the head and face. Hair typically falls out in small,

round patches about the size of a quarter, but in some cases hair loss is more extensive. The

course of alopecia areata varied from person to person. Some have bouts of hair loss throughout

their lives, while others only have one episode. In non-scarring alopecia the hair shafts are gone

but the hair follicles are preserved, explaining the reversible nature of non-scarring alopecia.

In Ayurvedic approach, loss of hair is coined out as in term of Indraluptha, under the broad

heading of kshudra roga, which comes under Siro rogas. Indraluptha occurs due to rakta dushti

and in its treatment prachana, one among raktamokshas is stated my major acharyas. In

Ashtanga Sangraham, vagbhata acharya quotes Palasa kshara lepana after prachana as the

treatment for Indralupta.

The study design was pre and post interventional study with a sample size of 20 patients in

the age group of 16 - 40 years with Alopecia areata from OPD Shalakyatantra, Govt Ayurveda

College Trivandrum. Prachana karma was done once a week for a maximum of 3 weeks

followed by palasa kshara lepana in alternate days. The effect of therapy was assessed by a

specially prepared proforma. Density of hair growth in the site is assessed and it is taken as the

objective parameter. Giving values 0 for Before Treatment and corresponding values like 1, 2

and 3 for Grade 1, Grade 2 and Grade 3 during the assessment of patients on 12th, 19th and 26th

day, we analyzed the effect of treatment on hair growth and density using the Wilcoxon Signed

Rank Test. Tests have done separately for each assessment.

KEYWORDS – Indraluptha, Alopecia areata, Prachana, Palasa kshara lepana.



Name of Guide    :    Dr. Kusumam Joseph                                         

DATE                  :   16/10/2024

Time                    :      2 pm

Venue                  :    college auditorium


Nasal polyps are grape-like masses in the nasal cavity, associated with symptoms such as nasal obstruction, nasal discharge, sneezing, headache, anosmia, nasal speech, postnasal drip, mouth breathing, dryness of the mouth, and snoring. These symptoms can be correlated with Kaphaja Nasarshas, which is characterized by nasavarodha (nasal obstruction), nasasrava (nasal discharge), kshavadhu (sneezing), sirasoola (headache), and anunasikavak (nasal speech), caused by the formation of ankuras in the nasal cavity. Due to its non-bleeding nature, it can be considered as shushkarshas, which is predominated by Kapha and Vata doshas.

Rasnopakulyadi Kashayam, as explained in Arogyarakshakalpadrumam, and Grihadhoomadi Arkam, described in Arkaprakasham, are two medicines directly indicated for Nasarshas. Most of the drugs in Rasnopakulyadi Kashayam possess kaphavatahara, sophahara, and some exhibit arsoghna properties. Similarly, the drugs in Grihadhoomadi Arkam exhibit sophahara and lekhana properties when applied externally.

In this study, 17 subjects aged 20 to 60, diagnosed with ethmoidal polyps from the outpatient department of the Shalakyatantra Department, Government Ayurveda College Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram, were selected based on inclusion criteria. They were administered Rasnopakulyadi Kashayam internally and Grihadhoomadi Arka Prathimarsha Nasyam externally. Data were collected through clinical examination, a subjective symptom score sheet, and endoscopic findings, with assessments conducted on the 15th, 31st, and 45th days of treatment. The results were statistically analysed using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test.

The study demonstrated a statistically significant reduction in subjective symptoms such as nasal obstruction, nasal discharge, sneezing, headache, mouth breathing, dryness of the mouth, and postnasal drip. However, parameters like anosmia, nasal speech, and snoring showed insignificant improvement. Objective parameters, including nasal discharge, mucosal oedema, and turbinate hypertrophy, showed a significant decrease, although the size of the polyps did not reduce significantly. In conclusion, this investigation reveals that the study drug yields significant symptomatic improvement in ethmoidal polypi without reducing polyp size.

Key words: Ethmoidal polypi, Nasarshas, Rasnopakulyadi kashayam, Grihadhoomadi arkam, Prathimarsha nasyam.

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