DISSERTATION TITLE: Efficacy of ‘Nimbadi yogam’ as an-add on medication in Type 2 Diabetes mellitus subjects on Metformin monotherapy – a randomized controlled trial.
TIME: 2:00-4:00 PM
mellitus is a metabolic disorder resulting from a defect in insulin secretion,
insulin action, or both. Insulin deficiency in turn leads to chronic
hyperglycemia with disturbances of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism.
There are two main types of diabetes, type 1 (requiring insulin for survival)
and type 2 (may or may not require insulin for metabolic control). Diabetes is
a major health issue that has reached alarming levels today and nearly half a
billion people are living with diabetes worldwide. The prevalence of Diabetes
in India is 8.9%. Kerala is the diabetic capital of India with a prevalence of
diabetes as high as 20% i.e. more than double the national average. Diabetes
can be correlated with Prameha in
Ayurveda, there are many formulations mentioned in Ayurvedic classics and they
are found to have significant hypoglycemic effect. The study drug is a
polyherbal formulation containing Nimba
,Ushira , Amalaki and Haritaki, mentioned in one of the
classical ayurveda texts chakradutta
in the chapter of treatment of prameha.
The objective of the study is to evaluate the hypoglycemic effect of Nimbadi yogam as an add-on medication in
type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with inadequate glycemic control on
conventional oral hypoglycemic agent Metformin alone. The study is
interventional type. Both male and female subjects of age group 25-70 years
with FBS level from 126-180 mg/dl, PPBS level from 200-250 mg/dl ,HbA1c level
from 6.5%- 8.5% and taking Metformin monotherapy, attending OPD of Govt.
Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram were selected for the study. Subjects with
major systemic illness and complications were excluded. The study population
was divided into two groups as experimental and control groups. In this study Nimbadi yogam was dispensed in a
potentiated form in which choorna of
four drugs will be powdered and
potentiated in the decoction of these four drugs and the resultant powder was made
into 500 mg tablets. The tablet was dispensed to the subjects of experimental
group along with nishakadakadhi tarpana
kwatha and the control group was administered Nisakathakadi tarpana kwatha alone. The subjects of experimental
group was advised to take 2 tablets thrice daily before food along with Nisakathakadi tarpana kwatha for a period of 90 days with the stable dose of
Metformin. The required laboratory investigations were done before and after
the study period. The study is ongoing and the collected data will be subjected
to statistical analysis using appropriate statistical techniques. Results will
be drawn, summarized and conclusions will be made.
DISSERTATION TITLE: Effectiveness of Karkasadaladi yogam in Dyslipidemia
TIME: 2:00-4:00 PM
to the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates in 2008, the prevalence of
dyslipidemia (defined as blood levels of TC 190 mg/dL) in the
Southeast Asia is 30.3%, in Europe 53.7% and in America 47.7%. The prevalence of dyslipidemia is
very high in India also according to ICMR–INDIAB Study;
had hypercholesterolemia, 29.5% had hypertriglyceridemia, 72.3% had low HDL-C,
11.8% had high LDL-C levels and 79% had abnormalities in one of the lipid
parameters. It is a common significant risk factor for
dyslipidemia included obesity, diabetes, and dysglycemia and needs for urgent
lifestyle intervention strategies to prevent and manage this important
cardiovascular risk factor.
Dyslipidemia, including high levels
of total cholesterol, low-density
lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglyceride,
and low levels of high-density
lipoprotein cholesterol, is a major
risk factor of atherosclerosis that
leads to various cardiovascular diseases .
Therefore, early screening and effective lipid
management may substantially reduce the burden of CVD and provide great social
medicines and food products are widely used for management of dyslipidemia in
India. The karkasadaladi yogam is a formulation
described in Bhavaprakasa in Medoroga (dyslipidemia and obesity)
chapter; which is a combination of karkasadala(Trichosanthes cucumerina Linn),
Chithraka(Plumbago rosea), Hingu(Ferula
asafoetida) and sathapushpa
(Anethum graveolance).
yogam will be prepared as choorna (powder) of karkasadala
and Chithraka and Hingu and sathapushpa potentiated with
Kashaya of karkasadala and Chithraka and will be packed as
500 mg tablet. To evaluate the effect of
Karkasadaladi yogam in dyslipidemia, it will be given as 2 tablet
(each of 500mg) twice daily after food for 3 months. The patients will be taken
from the OPD of Govt. Ayurveda college hospital, Thiruvananthapuram, both sexes, aged 25 to 60
years and having Hypercholesterolemia is defined as TC >200mg/dl, LDL-C as >130mg/dl, hypertriglyceridemia as TG
>150mg/dl HDL-C below 40. The efficacy of Karkasadaladi
yogam will be assessed by comparing LDL-C, TC and
triglycerides values before drug administration and after 90 days of drug
administration; and the data will be statistically analysed. Blood samples will
be collected on 8 hours fasting at baseline and 91st day.
analysis plan.
values of serum HDL, LDL, and Triglycerides of drug treated subjects at baseline and 91st day will be
analysed with paired t test; if the values follow normal distribution.
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