Monday 17 June 2024





DISSERTATION TITLE Hepatoprotective effect of Borassus flabellifer Linn on Paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in Albino rats

Name of Guide     :   Dr A Shahul Hameed                                                                    

DATE                   :   19/6/2024

Time                   :      2 pm

Venue                 :    college auditorium 


Liver is the principal site of metabolism, detoxification and elimination of toxic substances and it is involved in most of the biochemical pathways to combat disease, supply nutrient and energy to the cell. In the modern era, human beings are exposed to multiple chemicals that may cause injury to liver cells and impair the  function. Liver offers the first line of protection against damage by ingested agents and therefore, it is very important to protect the liver. Drug-induced hepatotoxicity is one of the challenging clinical problems that account for 13% of all cases of the acute liver failure. Ayurveda term for Liver is Yakrut and the diseases affecting it are classified under Yakrut and Pleeha (spleen) rogas. Since both Yakrut and Pleeha are the basic organs of Rakthavaha srotas and as they are having the same embryological origin and the etiology, classification and treatment of diseases, affecting both are on the same line. There are many Ayurveda drugs which are indicated in the pathological conditions of Liver. The male inflorescence of Borassus flabellifer Linn is one among them. The male inflorescence of Borassus flabellifer Linn is called Talapushpa in Sanskrit and Panaviral in Malayalam. Talapushpa kshara along with Guda is mentioned in Yakrut-pleeha adhikarana of Chakradatta. But this claim has not been validated till now. Hence this study was taken up to validate the hepatoprotective effect of the male inflorescence of Borassus flabellifer Linn on Paracetamol induced Albino rat hepatotoxicity model. Animal study was done at animal house of Govt Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram. Thirty albino rats were divided into seven groups. Group I-serves as normal control. Hepatotoxicity was induced by administering Paracetamol on the 7th day, and prior to that all animals received the given treatments as follows, Group II – on distilled water, and Group III – on the standard drug Silymarin (100 mg/kg), Group IV received the therapeutic dose of Kshara of male inflorescence of Borassus flabellifer along with guda(52 mg/kg b.w each), Group V received the double dose of Kshara of male inflorescence of Borassus flabellifer along with guda (104 mg/kg b.w each), Group VI received hydroalcoholic extract (500 mg/kg b.w) and Group VII received Guda(104 mg/kg). After 24 hours of administration of Paracetamol, the animals were euthanized. Effect was assessed by doing biochemical analysis of blood and histopathology of liver.  The results were analysed by One-way ANOVA followed by Tukey HSD post hoc multiple comparison test. The paracetamol treatment caused significant elevation in serum level of SGOT, SGPT, ALP & serum bilirubin and reduction in total protein & albumin levels. However, the animals treated with standard drug and study drug did not show an elevation in the biochemical values as compared to paracetamol treated group(p<0.01). In the histopathology of liver, extent of damage was minimal and hepatic regeneration was noted in study drug  treated group(G4 &G6) and standard drug treated group(G3) as compared to paracetamol treated group(G2). Among the test drug treated groups, statistically more effective result was seen in hydroalcoholic extract treated group(G6) when compared to PCM group. Further a ‘limit test’ performed in accordance with OECD guideline 425(acute toxicity) indicated that dose upto 2000mg/kg is safe.Hence it was concluded that the male inflorescence of Borassus flabellifer has significant hepatoprotective effect and it can be developed into safe herbal hepatoprotective drug.

 Key words: Liver, Borassus flabellifer Linn, Tala, Panaviral, Yakrut, Liver diseases


DISSERTATION TITLE :  Wound Healing Activity Of Pullani (Calycopteris floribunda Lam ) in albino rats.

Name of Guide     :   Dr Indulekha V C                                                                  

DATE                   :   19/6/2024

Time                   :      2 30 pm

Venue                 :    college auditorium 


Introduction: Wound is defined as the cellular and anatomic disruption of a tissue. Wound healing is a complex and dynamic process of restoring cellular structures. The process involves haemostasis, inflammation, proliferation and remodelling with scar tissue formation. Pullani is Malayalam name of a plant, identified as Calycopteris floribunda Lam. according to Ayurveda pharmacopeia of India (API). Keraleeya Oushadha Vijnana, (a compilation on Oushadha yogas from different manuscripts) mentions Pullani among the Vrana-ropana (wound healing) formulation Jatyadi gritha. In ethnomedicine its leaves are used for treating wounds & cuts.  Hence present study intended to determine wound healing activity of the ghee prepared with leaves of Pullani and with hydroalcoholic extract of Pullani by excision wound model in albino rats.

Materials & methods: Leaves of Pullani are collected from natural habitat, authenticated and the pharmacognostical, physicochemical analysis carried out. Preparation & preliminary standardisation of Pullani ghrita was done as per AFI. In vivo Excision wound study was done to assess rate of wound contraction, period of epithelization, and histopathological analysis. The rats were divided into six groups containing 5 each. Excision wounds of 2.5cm diameter and 0.2cm depth were made on the dorsal side of pre anesthetised rats. Group 1 served as control (untreated group), group 2 as standard (povidone iodine), group 3 were treated with Pullani ghritha, group 4 with plain ghritha, group 5 with Pullani ointment & group 6 served as vehicle control(ghee+beeswax). Topical application done for 14 days; wound area recorded on alternate days & rate of contraction calculated. CAM (Chick chorio Allantoic Membrane) assay was used for assessing angiogenetic potential of the drug.

Result: The statistical analysis of rate of wound contraction showed significant contraction in group 3, group 4, group 5 (p<0.001) compared to standard on day 14, highest for group 3 with mean 99.4 and SD 0.09. Period of epithelialization is least for group 3 with mean 9.4 days and SD 1.14(p<0.001) compared to untreated group & group 6 (12±0.70). Awaiting histopathology result and CAM assay analysis.

Key words: Wound healing, Pullani, Calycopteris floribunda Lam., Excision wound model, Angiogenesis, CAM assay.


DISSERTATION TITLE : Nephroprotective effect of Triphaladi compound in albino rats.

Name of Guide     :   Dr Indulekha V C                                                                  

DATE                   :   19/6/2024

Time                   :      3  pm

Venue                 :    college auditorium 


Introduction: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) regarded as the gradual impairment of kidney function subsequently with the retention of nitrogenous and other waste products and often accompanied by reduction in urine volume. Diabetes mellitus being a global epidemic with approximately 40% of the patients resulting in diabetic nephropathy (DN). There is a need for development and further clinical application of the safe natural drugs for the prevention and treatment of DN. DN, one of the riskiest microvascular complications of diabetes mellitus (DM) patients, is believed to be the primary cause of end-stage renal failure and chronic kidney disease. Triphaladi compound (TC) is an ayurvedic polyherbal formulation described in Susrutha samhitha (Phena-meham) having 5 ingredients- fruit rind of Haritaki (Terminalia chebula Retz), Vibheetaki (Terminalia belerica Roxb), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis Gaertn), fruit pulp of   Aragvadha (Cassia fistula Linn) and fruit of Draksha (Vitis vinifera Linn). It is the 2 times potentiated powder of these ingredients in its own decoction.

Materials & methods: The present study was intended to study the Nephroprotective effect of processed Triphaladi compound in High fat diet & streptozotocin induced diabetes & DN in albino rats. The Pharmacognostical, Preliminary Physical, Phytochemical & Qualitative Analysis of TC was conducted in Drug Standardization Unit (DSU), Govt.Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram.30 albino rats was divided into six groups with five rats in each group. Group I will be kept as normal control group. After 7 days of acclimatization, 25 animals were given high fat diet for 21 days, after that they were injected with streptozotocin (40mg/kg). On 3rd day FBS was checked and those with blood glucose level between 200 mg/dl & 400 mg/dl was further divided into 5 groups. Group II- disease control on distilled water, Group III were Metformin (500µg/kg) as standard drug, Group IV was   churna of Triphaladi compound (0.108g/200g rat) and Group V was   given double dose of churna of Triphaladi compound (0.216g/200g rat) and Group VI were given the hydroalcoholic extract of Triphaladi compound (500 mg/kg) for next 21 days. On 22 nd day all the animals were sacrificed and nephroprotective effect of Triphaladi compound was evaluated by blood, urine, kidney& pancreas tissues were collected for various experimental analyses.

Results: Both the HAE and therapeutic dose of TC significant decrease in BUN, HAE, therapeutic dose & double dose of TC significant decrease in serum creatinine, double dose & HAE of TC reduces FBS, double dose & therapeutic dose reduces urine creatinine & urinary protein when compared with standard drug metformin. Data will be statistically analysed using appropriate statistical technique.

Discussion& conclusion: From the results, it can be concluded that HAE, double dose & therapeutic dose of TC has a significant nephroprotective effect because of its capability to reduce the renal parameters.

 Keywords: Nephrotoxicity, Triphaladi compound, Streptozotocin.

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