Sunday 30 June 2024



                        DEPARTMENT OF KAYACHIKITSA



Name of Guide    :   Dr. Sunil John Thykkattil                                                                

DATE                  :   3/7/2024

Time                    :      2 pm

Venue                  :    college auditorium


The disease Amlapitha is vividly described in different classical texts of Ayurveda like Kasyapa Samhita and Madhava Nidana. As per classics Amlapitha can be defined as a condition where already accumulated pitha in the body gets further aggravated by consuming virudha dushta vidagdha aharas that is incompatible food combinations, putrified foods, overburnt foods and drinks. The main clinical features of Amlapitha include avipaka, klama, utklesha, thikthamlodgara, hritkantadaha, guruta and aruchi. Excessive formation of vitiated pitha is the main pathological mechanism behind the manifestation of this disease. It is a pithavikruta annavaha srotovikara associated with vitiation of kledaka kapha. Here pithavikruti increases the quantity of dravarupa pachaka pitha and affects the quality of kledaka kapha. Symptomatically modern correlation of Amlapitha appears most similar to Functional Dyspepsia. Dyspepsia is a symptom complex connected to the gastro-duodenal region of gastrointestinal tract and includes postprandial fullness, early satiety, epigastric burning vomiting, nausea which has a significant impact on health. More than 50% of patients are on medications most of the time and have significantly reduced quality of life in comparison with the general population. Functional dyspepsia is a common ailment with possible causative factors being the change in lifestyle and food habits. Patients with functional dyspepsia account for about 80 percent of cases and have no structural explanation for the same. Even though pathophysiology cannot be accurately explained, studies point to disordered communication between gut and brain leading to motility disturbances visceral hypersensitivity and alteration in visceral microbiota mucosal and CNS processing. Psychological factors and stress are found to be aggravating factors and are attributed to pitta dosha. In amlapitta pitta and kapha are the key factors in pathology. This study is being undertaken in an effort to find an effective combination of medicines in the management.  It includes administration of Avipattikara churna with shankha bhasma and sharibadi panaka for 21 days. A   follow up of these patients is also done. Results of the study showed significant reduction in symptoms. Chi square value for comparing the effect of intervention on total score at different time periods was found to be significant and P value was less than 0.001. At 1% level of significance, there is a significant difference in total scores. It suggests that treatment can lessen the severity of the illness.



Name of Guide    :   Dr Suneeshmon M.S MD (Ay                                                          

DATE                  :   3/7/2024

Time                    :      2.30 pm

Venue                  :    college auditorium


Sleep, a physiological state of rest during which volition and consciousness are in partial or complete abeyance, plays a recuperative and adaptive function in human lives. Quality sleep acts as rejuvenator, enabling us to function at our zenith during working hours where deprivation of the same causes a lot of neurophysiological derailment in the body.

Insomnia is in fact, both a symptom as well as a disorder. If left untreated, insomnia increases the risk of developing diseases like depression, diabetes, hypertension and possibly even death in older individuals as per reported studies1. Therefore it is very much essential to identify and treat the condition of insomnia at the earliest. ‘Sleep hygiene’ is the term used to describe good sleep habits.Considerable research has gone into developing a set of guidelines designed to enhance good sleeping, and there is much evidence to suggest that sleep hygiene are fairly inexpensive but much effective intervention. There are many medications used to treat insomnia, but these lead to dependence and interfere with one’s day to day activites, thereby prolonging sleep difficulties2.

In Ayurveda, Nidra is one among the Trayopasthambha. Nidranasha is a nanatmaja vikara mentioned by Charaka3. Principle dosas involved are vata and pitta. Study to be carried out may be helpful in the management of Primary Insomnia in patients attending Kayachikitsa OPD and IPD Govt Ayurveda College Hospital Thiruvananthapuram. It is interventional pre and post single group with sample size of 20 participants fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria diagnosed as primary insomnia as per ICD11 criteria will be selected and subjected to detailed clinical examination according to clinical research proforma. The intervention includes trina panchamoola ksheera shirodhara for 45 minutes for a duration of 7 days followed by internal administration of Sankhupushpi choornam capsules for a duration of 14 days along with sleep hygiene. Quality and quantity of the sleep will be assessed. Proper evaluation before and after the intervention will be adhered to and follow-up will be done at the end of study. The results obtained will be statiscally analysed and concluded.

Keyword : Primary insomnia , Nidranasa, Trinapanchamoola ksheera sirodhara, Sankhupushpi choornam capsule


EFFECT OF local Dhanyamla DHARA  and aqueous extract of SUNDIBALADWAYA   KWATHA with ksheerabala 7 avarthi In DIABETIc peripheral NEUROPATHy

Name of Guide    :   Dr PRAVITH N.K                                                       

DATE                  :   3/7/2024

Time                    :   3 pm

Venue                  :    college auditorium


Diabetic neuropathy (DN) refers to the presence of symptoms or signs of peripheral nerve dysfunction in people with diabetes mellitus after exclusion of other causes. Distal symmetrical neuropathy is the commonest, accounting for 75%  of DN. Over a period of time, the nerves gets affected, especially the peripheral nerves leading to Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN). DPN being a progressive complication phase of diabetes can be understood as Vata pitta predominant thridosha stage with concepts of Avarana, causing dhathukshaya .   The drugs used conventionally are mostly for relief in the symptoms and moreover a large population of patients began to  choose  among  alternative medicinal options, there comes the need for more research in Ayurveda medicines too.


According to Ayurveda classics, there is no direct nomenclature for DPN , but can be treated  under the spectrum of prameha upadrava involving thridosha dushti and dasa dathu dusthi. Diagnosis of DPN is done by Nerve Stimulation study and Toronto Clinical Neuropathy Score. Effect of sundibaladwaya kwatha with ksheerabala 7 avarthi anupana is a previous study conducted in GAVC, TVM by Dr. Arunitha during 2017 which was found to be effective in DN, with a P value of 0.001 . In this study, along with the previous study drug , an external intervention of dhara with dhanyamla is  also included to assess the effect. Dhanyamla is dahasamana, sparsa seethala and vatha kapha samana. When administered as a Dhara procedure, it  facilitates  vasodilation as well as nerve stimulation and  helps in reducing occlusion,  thereby correcting the pathology of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy As a disease of chronic origin and deep seated pathology,Vatha predominant thridosha dushti may be considered ,for the symptoms of numbness and parasthesia Vatha- Kapha dushti and for symptoms like burning sensation, Pitha dushti can be accounted.Thus this intervention helps in samana of prakupitha vatha along with pacifying vitiated pitha and kapha.

Key words: Diabetic peripheral neuropathy,Suntibaladwayakwatham,dhanyamla dhara

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