Sunday 7 July 2024



                     DEPARTMENT OF PANCHAKARMA


DISSERTATION TITLE  : Effect of Sodhananga Snehapana with Sahacharadi taila followed by Virechana with Nirgundi Eranda Taila in Lumbar Spondylosis.

Name of Guide    :   Dr.T.K.SUJAN                                                           

DATE                  :   10/7/2024

Time                    :      2 pm

Venue                  :    college auditorium


Lumbar spondylosis is a chronic, noninflammatory disease caused by degeneration of lumbar disc, vertebral bodies and facet joints of lumbar spine. These changes are often called as degenerative disk disease or spinal osteoarthritis. The common condition is marked by the breakdown of one or more of the disks that separate the bones of the spine. The disks provide cushioning between the vertebrae and absorb the pressure inflicted on the spine. Although most people experience some degeneration of the spine as they age, not everyone experiences back pain. Due to similar presentations Lumbar spondylosis can be correlated with Kateegraha mentioned in our classics. Shodhananga snehapana is a major procedure which has a major role in the whole outcome of shodhana. Sahacharadhi taila mentioned in Ashtangahridayam vatavyadhi chikitsa which is taken here for snehapana followed by virechana with Nirgundi eranda taila mentioned in Chikitsa manjari has a direct effect in vitiated vata at katee pradesha. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of Sodhananga snehapana with Sahacharadhi taila followed by virechana with Nirgundi Eranda taila in Lumbar spondylosis. Study design is an interventional study with pre-post assessment without control group. Participants of both sex aged between 30-60 years registered in OPD and IPD of Government Ayurveda Panchakarma hospital, Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram diagnosed to have Lumbar spondylosis and satisfying inclusion criteria has been selected. The base line data has been collected through interview,observation and questionnaire. After collecting base line data, detailed history and examination has been done using clinical case proforma. A total of 20 participants has been selected for the study. They had been subjected to consecutive sampling and the intervention has been done for 25 days and follow up has been done 1 month after virechana. Deepana pachana has been done using Amruthotharam kasayam 48ml bd before food and Shaddharana choorna 6g bd with kasayam. Snehapana with Sahacharadhi Taila Chikkanapaka has been given according to Agni and Koshta of Participants. Snehapana was stopped after attainment of samyak snigdha lakshanas followed by abhyanga with sahacharadhi taila and ooshma sweda for 3 days. After that Virechana was done with Nirgundi eranda taila for 1 day. The participants were assessed before rookshana before and after snehapana , after virechana and after follow up with regards to changes in subjective parameters and Range of movements by Goniometry. Data will be statistically analysed using appropriate statistical technique. 

 Key words: Snehapana, Virechana ,Lumbar Spondylosis , Sahacharadhi Taila, Nirgundi Eranda 


DISSERTATION TITLE  : Effect of Kanguchoornapindaswedam in Cervical spondylosis.

Name of Guide    :   Dr.T.K.SUJAN                                                           

DATE                  :   10/7/2024

Time                    :      2 .30 pm

Venue                  :    college auditorium


Cervical spondylosis is a chronic degenerative condition of the cervical spine that affects the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs of the neck as well as the contents of spinal canal. Now a days, it is common in young and middle-aged people, due to sedentary habits and increase in over exerting working conditions. There is significant degenerative changes seen in 90% of men older than 50 years and 90% of women older than 60 years. In Ayurveda, cervical spondylosis can be clinically compared to Apabahuka, Viswachi or Greevastambha. Swedana is the treatment of choice for vata, kapha and vatakaphaja diseases. Rooksha sweda is indicated for kaphanubandha condition. Choornapindasweda is one of the main procedure that comes under rookshasweda. Choornapindasweda is believed to have a worthy role in the management of degenerative condition as it improves nourishment to the dhathus by removing the obstruction present in various srotas. Kanguchoornapindasweda mentioned in the vathavyadhi chikitsa of Yogamrutham is indicated in avabahuka. Kangu is bagnasandhanakara, brmhana, guru, rooksha, kaphahara, Considering both the dosa kopa and vitiated dosa sthana, kanguchoornapindasweda is selected. The baseline data has been collected through observation, interview and questionnaire. After collecting the baseline data, detailed examination has been done using clinical case proforma. Choornapindasweda has been done up to 35 minutes for 7 days. Changes in subjective parameters and range of movement by goniometry has been analysed before treatment, after treatment on the 8th day and follow up on 15th day after treatment. Data will be statistically analysed using appropriate statistical technique. 

 Keywords: Choornapindasweda , Cervical spondylosis, kangu, Yogamrutham



Name of Guide    :   Dr.T.K.SUJAN                                                           

DATE                  :   10/7/2024

Time                    :      3 pm

Venue                  :    college auditorium


Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic, debilitating,chronic inflammatory autoimmune disorder characterized by symmetric peripheral polyarthritis. It affects the lining of joints, causing painful swelling that can eventually result in bone erosion and deformity. Due to similar presentations Rheumatoid arthritis may be correlated with Vatarakta mentioned in our classics. Vasthi has an important role in the Chikitsa of Vatasonitha as it removes the vitiated dosas from the body. In Vatarakta initial stage,Vata will be in Samavastha. It should be made Nirama by langhana, pachana etc. After that Doshadhika chikitsa should be followed. In this stage, nirooha vasthi which has Aamapachana,, vatakaphahara and shoola sothahara properties are essential.Navakarshika yoga of cakradutta vatarakta cikitsa is an ideal formulation having the above said properties. Objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of navakarshika vasthi administered continuously for 7 days in Rheumatoid arthritis patients. Study design is an interventional pre- post test. Participants of both sexes aged 30 to 60 registered in OPD and IPD of Government Ayurveda Panchakarma Hospital, Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram diagnosed to have Rheumatoid arthritis and satisfying inclusion criteria were selected. The base line data has been collected through interview, observation and questionnaire. After collecting base line data, detailed history and examination has been done using clinical case proforma A total of 20 participants were selected by consecutive sampling and navakarshika vasthi has been done continuously for 7 days.The participants were assessed before and after the intervention ( ie, on 0th, 8th Day) with regards to changes in DAS 28 Scale,VAS, RA factor ,ESR and CRP. Data will be Statistically Analysed using appropriate statistical technique.

 Key words-Rheumatoid arthritis, navakarshika vasthi, vatarakta 

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