Monday 28 January 2019

Kind Attention all......
This is to intimate you that there will be common seminar on this week and the details as follows:

Department -  Samhita Sanskrita & Sidhanta, GAVC, TVPM


Presenters :  1. Dr. Anusree.S - 3rd MD SCHOLAR,

                     2. Dr Arathi Anil - 3rd MD SCHOLAR


Date and Time    :   30/01/2019,  02:00 pm 
Venue                  :   College Auditorium

Bodhika 2018-19


Anatomical View of Dosha Sthanas

The Tridoshas- Vata, Pitta and Kaphaare the basic components of sareeraon which the entire functions of body are dependent.Even though the doshas are pervading all over the body specific sthanas are assigned based on the predominance in a particular site. In general Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas are pervading the lower, middle and upper portions of the body respectively. Further for each of the doshas specific subdivisions are described. Depending upon the sthana and karma of each of the subdivisions anatomical sites can be assigned to each.The proper understanding of the ‘Dosha Sthanas’ described in our treatises in the light of modern anatomical knowledge helps in the interpretation of ‘Dosha Karmas’ in a precise and scientific manner because the karmas of doshas are very much dependent on the sthana. Moreover it provides more clarity in understanding the Samprapti of diseases as well as for logically applying the Cikitsa Kramas according to the doshas involved in the particular Sthana.
*Anusree.S, PG Scholar, Dept. of Samhita Samskrita & Siddhanta, Govt. Ayurveda College, TVPM.
(under the guidance of: Dr.Rani Sayed M.D (Ay), Professor& HOD, Dept. of Samhita Samskrita & Siddhanta, Govt. Ayurveda College, TVPM)

A glimpse of Ayurveda in astrology
                                                                                        *DrArathi Anil
                                                                                        **Dr Rani Sayed
*PG scholar, Dept of SamhithaSanskritaSiddhanta, Govt Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram
**PG scholar, Dept of SamhithaSanskritaSiddhanta, Govt Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram    
            The sciences of Ayurveda and astrology have similarities as both are laid down on the basis of universal laws.Our Ancient sages were aware about the limitations of the sensory perceptions; hence they developed the science of Astrology. Astrology and health have been associated for a very long time. Astrological principles were highly rated among the significant determinants of diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of any disease in the ancient era.
            Ayurveda explains the enormous influence of nature on human body. Astrology describes an individual in terms of planetarypositions while Ayurveda explains with respect to panchabhuthasand tridoshas, all integral parts of the universe.Prakriti and vikriti of a person can be predicted by analyzing the position of grahas at the birth time. Astrology is based on the concept that each planet is intrinsically related to a specific body tissue and that the various planetary movements and their positions in relation to time exert powerful influences on your mind, body and consciousness, directly affecting your physical and mental health.Navagrahas have direct influence in health and disease in human being.
AcharyaSusrutha has mentioned that knowledge about allied sciences and philosophies are inevitable to get complete and real knowledge of medicine. This paper aims to analyze some Ayurvedic concepts like prakriti, vikriti, ayu etc. in comparison to astrology.

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