Sunday 22 July 2012

Abstracts for Weekly Seminar - 01/08/2012


Pradeepkumar P.P, Dept. of Prasutitantra and Streeroga, 
Govt. Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram

The abnormal uterine bleeding is one of the commonest conditions we come across in Ayurvedic clinical practice, even if there is always an  small area of uncertainty of understanding the modern disease in ayurvedic perspective, its possible to an extent if its understood  properly within the  basic principles of ayurveda, the work aims at understanding the normal uterine bleeding, & abnormal uterine bleeding in terms of tri dosas/dhatus  and gunas, it also emphasis the importance of history taking and use of investigation more precisely to arrive at a diagnosis, the management principles, and commonly practiced medicines in AUB, with respective to various conditions. The abnormal uterine bleeding is basically due to impaired Rakta pitta at the level of  garbhasya gata sira (endometrium) The tridosa play an important role in the pathogenesis, the immediate management is to arrest bleeding with , drugs having kashaya,madhura,tikta rasa, seeta veerya ,and stambhana karma. Later the management should be directed to reverse the  associated pathology.


Abha L Ravi, Dept. of Prasutitantra and Streeroga, 
Govt. Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram
Preconceptional care is the care given to woman before she gets pregnant. In Ayurvedic treatises our Acharyas had given utmost importance to preconceptional care right from the selection of couple itself. Preconceptional care comprises of treatment methods like proper sodhana therapy along with diet restriction, abstinence and religious rituals to ensure Beeja sudhi, Kshethra sudhi and Mano sudhi for getting a better child. Garbhadana samskara, a child begetting religious ceremony is the observation of the reformatory method for a worth full child in order to fulfil the parental obligation to continue the human race.

Modern obstetrics forwarded the preconceptional concepts as an extension of ante-natal care, to provide optimal health to mother and baby. Presently when the pregnant woman approaches the obstetricians it is too late in terms of preconceptional care as organogenesis would have been completed by that time. It makes obstetricians incapacitated to take steps to prevent any hereditary and genetic problems. The main objectives of preconceptional care are identification of high risk factors; improve basic health level status, stabilization of pre-existing chronic diseases etc. It includes medical screening, genetic counselling and basic health checkups.

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