Wednesday 18 July 2012


Department of panchakarma, Govt. Ayurveda College, TVM.
Assessment of koshta:
Frequency per day-     less than one – 1, Once/ twice-2, More than 2-3
Consistency –      hard stool -1, Soft well formed-2, Loose/ watery and not well formed -3
Urgency---          No urgency at all, sits long time with discomfort – 1
                            Moderate urgency, can be controlled but no need to sit long-2
                            Marked urgency cannot be controlled -3
Your experience regarding intake of 200 ml milk/ 100g grapes/ 50 g jiggery/ 200 ml ikshu rasa/ 10 g avipathikara churnam
 No change in bowel habit -1, Normal well formed stool -2, Watery stool / not well formed -3
Whether changes in food habits will affect your bowel habits frequently
 No change in bowel habit -1, Occasionally-2, Frequently loose-3
1-5  kruura koshta, 6-10 madhyama koshta, 11-15 mrdu koshta
Assessment of agni
Effect on hunger, digestion, defaecation by occasional irregular food habits
a)      No alteration – Theekshnagni, b)      Mild alteration- vishamagni, c)      Gross alteration – mandaagni
Time taken for digestion       >6hrs-Mandaagni, 3-6hrs-Samaagni,  <3hrs-Teekshnagni
Association with symptoms like Klama.aadhmana,udgarabahulya etc during digestion
-always-mandaagni, -Sometime yes or no- Vishamaagni, -  No symptoms associated-Samaagni
Samyak Snigdha Lakshana Grading Scale
1.Vaatanulomyam-                  Comfortable evacuation of bowel and flatus -2
                                                 Evacuation of bowel and flatus with abdominal distension -1
                                                 Obstructed bowel and flatus -0
2.Deeptagni-                            Severe increase in apetite-3
                                                 Moderate increase in apetite-2
                                                 Slight increase in apetite , No change-0
3.Snigdhavarchas-                    Oily feaces through the day-2
                                                  Little oily nature of feaces-1
                                                 Dry hard stool-0
4.Asamhatavarchas-                   Loose stools-2
                                                  Changed consistency(softness) of stools-1
                                                   Hard consistent  stool  -0
5.Angamardavam-                      Softness of body parts-
                                Present-1          Absent-0
6. Snigdhangata-                        Complete wetting of tracing paper over skin-3
                                                   Patchy tracing paper over skin-2
                                                   Little wetting of tracing  paper over skin-1, Dry skin-0
7. Klamam
Feeling of tiredness throughout the day[daily routine activities affected-3
Feeling of tiredness but able to do activities with little strain-2
Lethargic feeling but activities not affected-1
No change in the physical status-0
8.Snehodwegam-        Sight or thought of ghritha causes aversion-3
                                    Smell of ghritha itself causes aversion-2
                                    During intake nausea-1
                                    No difficulty during intake of ghritha-0
9.Laghutvam-                          Visual analogue scale scoring[ 7-9]-3
                                                VAS Scoring[ 4-6]-2 , VAS Scoring[1-3]-1
0.Indriyanirmalata-               Freshness of sensorium(subjective)
VAS Score[7-9]-3, VAS Score[4-6]-2, VAS Score[1-3]-1
11.Adasthat Snehadarshanam
Oily secretion per rectum-
Present-1, Absent-0
Total score:
18 – 26 – Pravara snigdhata, 10 – 17 – Madhyama snighdhata, <10 – Aavara snigdhata.

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